
electronic symbols

electronic symbols


The electronic symbols are very important to  who interested in electronic circuits and electronics generally to be able to read the electronic circuit and applied it
and there is short notes about the electronic symbols , its importance , is some symbols of electronic component and there are some links containing the whole electronic symbols that you need in any electronic circuit     

Electrical symbols are small drawings, or pictograms, used to denote various electrical devices in a drawing or plan of an electric circuit. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is responsible for keeping these symbols up to date, discontinuing old symbols and adding new ones as electrical technology advances
These symbols are used in schematics for numerous types of electrical jobs
if you are trying to wire your house, look for symbols prominent in house wiring. The symbols for electrical house wiring apparatuses such as certain switches and other electrical components will appear
These drawings allow for easy reference for an electrical contractor, making it easier to build as well

to know more electronic symbols
click here
and another link


electronic symbols, know about electronic symbols ,the importance of electronic symbols


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