
introduction to electronic engineering

                              introduction to electronic engineering            

This book is the most important books of the field of elcetronics , as well as the most impotrtant scientific literature universally adopted .

 The goal of this book is to introduce a reader to the basics of electronic engineering . the book is recommended for those who study electronics . here, students may get their first knowledge of electronics concepts and basic components . emphasis is on the devices usedin day to day consumer electronic products . there for, semiconductor copmponents diodes , transisors , and thyresistors are discussed in the first step . next the most common electronic circuits , such as analogue , differential and operation amplifiers , supplies and references , filters , math converts , pulsers , logical gates   etc are covered on this book .

After this course , you can proceed to advanced topics in electronics . its necessary to offer an insight into thr general opration of loading as well as into the network distortions caused by variables , and possibilities for reducing these disturbances, partlyin power electronics with different kinds of load . such problemes ,as the design and methods  for implemention digital equipment , boolean algebra , digital arthmatic and codes , combinatorial and sequential circuits , network instruments , and computer are to be covered later ..

Clearly , in a wide coverage such as , presented in this book .

 to download this book                 click here


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