
image processing using matlab

image processing using matlab
This book dealing with some thing new in our engineering life which its known as "image processing" to over come a problem of the quality of the image and enhance it . its  an important topic appear recently , its considered field of work to any engineer concerned to this field "image processing" by using a widely used software language matlab.

Image processing is one of the most important and most common computer applications, and for use in different areas, such as medical image processing, production of films and images, remote sensing, in addition to surveillance applications.

Interested in digital image processing to extract some information that is important to us of the image, for example, detect the type of disease of the radiograph.
 for download this book 

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تحميل كتاب عن معالجه الصور  , اهميه معالجه الصور , استخدامات معالجه الصور    

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