

Modern digital and analog communication

This book is considered one of the most important references that you will need in your studying which it's deal with the both analog and digital communication systems and it's analysis
This reference for every one interested in communication field

This reference provide the following

 Chapter(1) : An introduction about the communication systems and  analog and digital
 Chapter(2) : Provide an over view about the signals
   Chapter(3) : Analysis and transmission of signals
Chapter(4) :  Amplitude (linear) modulataion
Chapter(5) : Angle (exponential ) modulation
Chapter(6) : Sampling and pulse code modulation
Chapter(7) : Principles of digital data transmission
Chapter(8) : Emerging digital communication technologies
Chapter(9) : Some recent developments and miscellaneous topics
Chapter(10) : Introduction to the theory of probability
Chapter(11) :Random process
Chapter(12) :Behavior of analog systems in the presence of noise
Chapter(13) :Behavior of digital communication systems in the presence of  noise
Chapter(14) : Optimum signal detection
Chapter(15) :  Introduction to information theory
Chapter(16) :Error correction codes

This reference highly readable book presents the basic and
intermediate level treatment of modern digital and analog communication
The basics of communication systems without using
probabilistic concepts are introduced first. With this solid base, the
students are ready to master the probabilistic concepts introduced in
later chapters

for download this refererence 

download lathi , lathi reference , the best book about communication , modern analog and digital communication systems , how to understand the communication systems
An introduction about the communication systems and  analog and digital ,  an over view about the signals , Amplitude (linear) modulataion ,  Angle (exponential ) modulation
Sampling and pulse code modulation , Principles of digital data transmission ,Emerging digital communication technologies , Some recent developments and miscellaneous topics , Introduction to the theory of probability , Random process , Behavior of analog systems in the presence of noise , Behavior of digital communication systems in the presence of  noise , Optimum signal detection , Introduction to information theory , Error correction codes

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